Country Road Homestead
Website: facebook.com/countryroadhomestead
Country Road Organic Homestead
Why we do what we do:
With my background as a baker and home cook I already new how to bake and cook good tasting food. Actually had been cooking and baking since my early years along side my grandmothers.I baked and decorated my first wedding cake for our pastors renewal service when I was just 13 years old. But when I became a mom I wanted more then just great tasting food. I wanted great tasting food that was also nutrient dense. Things I would be proud to allow my litte ones to eat knowing it had everything in it to help there bodies grow most effective. One of my life motos is “Good in Good Out, Trash in Trash Out” and my husband and I believe this to be true in all areas of life: mental, spiritual and physical. We knew we needed to make some changes to the way we were eating. We began to eat more organic veggies everyday. Around the same time we moved Tennesee where we served as Spanish Mission Pastors for a short time. During this time we were sent to small towns that either didnt have a good farmers market or didnt have a good selection of food that were not sprayed.So we began to learn about growing our own food and started right in our back yard with just a few raised beds. What began as a journey of putting good food into our bodies has also taken many rabit trails over the years and led us into other areas such as medicinal herbs and there use in our lives and role in our garden,fermented food and traditional ways of preserving what we harvest. Along the way our family has had many hurdles to get through but our goal of nutritionally dense food for our family never changed. Fifteen plus years later our path has brought us to where we are today. Living the life we never knew to dream about on a small plot of land in the Viola Valley area on a truly living homestead where we our now able to share our abandance with our neighbors and friends. With milk and beef cows, meat and egg chickens, a garden we cultivate each year, a basement that doubles as a root cellar and 5 children we keep ourselves busy but we would not have it any other way. Each of us have our areas we concentrate on. Me and the two year old on my hip run the garden and creamery, with help from the boys. My oldest daughter does the baking which she loves and helps with the garden. She is a very skilled baker and has done many events including weddings with her baked goods. My husband works full time out side the homestead but that doesnt keep him from helping out here and he honestly probably spends more time working here. He does the milking,animal care along with the boys, building of all structures, maintenance of the pasture areas,garden weeding and anything else lacking here on the homestead.
The Technical:
We use little or no till methods to establish our garden plots and plant intensly. We dont have a manicured row garden that is sutable for the front page of Home and Garden. Instead we have a garden that has many hours of hard work poured into every inch of it along with some wisdom passed down from yesteryears.
We do not use any herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified seeds. Instead, we rely on crop rotation, organic compost produced right here on our farm, and lots of hand weeding to grow healthy fruits and vegetables.
We nurture the land we have been blessed with, raising cows humanely on grass, our chickens the produce eggs and meat with veggies, fruit, grass and supplemented with organic chicken feed and ultimately provide organic, affordable, nutrient dense food for our family and our local community.
We hope you’ll join us in our homesteading endeavors.