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Middle Tennessee Locally Grown is your online Farmers’ Market for local produce, baked goods, plants, and handcrafted items. You can order between 8 a.m. Sunday and 10:00 p.m Tuesday. Pickup is at one of three specified times and locations on Thursday afternoons:

  • On Thursday afternoons between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. under the big pavilion on Fort Street with signs that say “Coffee County Farmers Market.” It’s across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort St, Manchester.
  • Or on Thursday afternoons between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. outside “Nature’s Elite”, which has moved to 105 West Decherd St, Tullahoma, TN.

We can also deliver your order to your home in Coffee County on Thursdays, for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please order it same as other items, indicating location.

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05. Herdsmen

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Here you will find live animals and their products for sale.

Butter milk, 1 quart
Grower: Altamont Mennonites
Price: $4.50 ( 1 quart )
Available (Estimated): 5

1 quart of buttermilk
Butter, Home-made
Grower: Altamont Mennonites
Price: $6.00 ( 1 cake )
Available (Exact): 0
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Mennonite made 1/2 lb butter
Cheese - Mozarella, 1 lb 6 ounces
Grower: Altamont Mennonites
Price: $10.00 ( 1 lb 2 Oz to 1 lb 6 ounces )
Available (Exact): 2

Pet milk made mozzarella cheese
Cream, 1 quart
Grower: Altamont Mennonites
Price: $7.00 ( 1 quart )
Available (Estimated): 0

pet milk cream skimmed off top of milk.
Eggs - Large Organic Free Range
Grower: DeHaven’s Farm & Bakery
Price: $6.50 ( 1 Dozen )
Available (Exact): 1

1 Dozen of Large Eggs in various colors: blue, pink, light brown, dark brown, and white. more
Eggs - Open Range Large to Jumbo Brown
Grower: Waynediller
Price: $6.00 ( 1 dozen )
Available (Estimated): 66
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Our eggs are ungraded but comparable to Large and Jumbo eggs. They have a thick brown shell and dark yellow ... more
Eggs - organic free range
Grower: Hamilton Homestead
Price: $5.50 ( 1 dozen )
Available (Exact): -1

We keep our chickens happy by letting them free range and feeding them all organic layer feed that is soy ... more
Milk, 1/2 gallon for pet consumption
Grower: Altamont Mennonites
Price: $4.25 ( 1/2 gallon )
Available (Estimated): 115

unpasteurized pet milk, 1/2 gallon. if you do not have a jar from a previous order, then there is a ... more