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Middle Tennessee Locally Grown is your online Farmers’ Market for local produce, baked goods, plants, and handcrafted items. You can order between 8 a.m. Sunday and 10:00 p.m Tuesday. Pickup is at one of three specified times and locations on Thursday afternoons:

  • On Thursday afternoons between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. under the big pavilion on Fort Street with signs that say “Coffee County Farmers Market.” It’s across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort St, Manchester.
  • Or on Thursday afternoons between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. outside “Nature’s Elite”, which has moved to 105 West Decherd St, Tullahoma, TN.

We can also deliver your order to your home in Coffee County on Thursdays, for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please order it same as other items, indicating location.

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JUMBO Carrot Cake Muffins
Grower: DeHaven’s Farm & Bakery
Price: $19.00 ( 1/2 Dozen Jumbo )
Available (Exact): 1

Carrots for breakfast? Yes, please! ???? These JUMBO Carrot Cake Muffins with Cream Cheese icing, topped with chopped walnuts, are ... more
Kindling firewood
Grower: Sow's Ear Piggery
Price: $8.50 ( 1 bundle )
Available (Estimated): 10

For fire pit, campfire, or fireplace, this is a bundle of ash and oak, tied with natural hemp twine.
Lettuce - Mixed
Grower: Frontier Family Farms
Price: $5.00 ( 1 - 8 oz bag )
Available (Exact): 0

Our Awesome winter hoop house grown lettuce mixes in a 8 oz. bag just perfect for a family of 4 ... more
Marmalade - Cranberry habanero
Grower: Pepperworks
Price: $8.00 ( 6oz )
Available (Exact): 5

Cranberry Marmalade habanero is good as a condiment that pairs with turkey or ham.
Marmalade - Cranberry jalapeno
Grower: Pepperworks
Price: $6.00 ( 6oz )
Available (Exact): 4

Mealworms, Dried
Grower: Backyard Tailz
Price: $15.00 ( 1 lb )
Available (Estimated): 5

Attracts bluebirds to your yard with one of their favorite treats - mealworms! Simply place on a dish in an ... more
Milk, 1/2 gallon for pet consumption
Grower: Altamont Mennonites
Price: $4.25 ( 1/2 gallon )
Available (Estimated): 82

unpasteurized pet milk, 1/2 gallon. if you do not have a jar from a previous order, then there is a ... more
MLG Market Gift Certificate
Grower: Middle Tennessee Locally Grown
Price: $5.00 ( five dollar unit )
Available (Estimated): 80

This is a gift certificate applicable toward the purchase of any item(s) sold on this market. Sold in increments of ... more
Muffin - Blueberry
Grower: Greenslade Goodies
Price: $2.50 ( 1 Regular size muffin )
Available (Exact): 5

This muffin is full of delicious flavor. more
Muffin - Bran
Grower: Greenslade Goodies
Price: $2.50 ( 1 Regular size muffin )
Available (Exact): 8

This muffin is moist and delicious and chalk full of goodies. This recipe is from King Arthur and uses All ... more